Why You Should Not Attend Group Classes For Dog Training

At our Dog Training Center in Northern Virginia, we get asked about group classes on a daily basis. Being around almost every style of training program, I have yet to be impressed with group classes or group training sessions.  As I say on a daily basis at our private dog training sessions in Northern Virginia,…

How To Stop My Dog From Nipping, Play Biting, or Mouthing

At our Puppy Training Classes in Northern Virginia, we address play biting and nipping a lot.  Many people refer to this behavior as different things such as, play biting, nipping, and mouthing. Some dogs are more prone to this than other dogs; such as, Malinois, Australian Shepherds,  German Shepherd, Huskies, etc.  These are all what…

Why Does My Dog Get Aggressive At Dog Parks?

At our dog training center in Northern Virginia, we always tell people to stay away from dog parks. Many people wrongly assume that dogs parks are great for socializing, letting their dog burn off energy, and playing; however, more often than not it will eventually end badly. Do not take your puppy to dog parks…

How Does Clicker Training Work For Dogs? Why Is Marker Training Better?

    People ask about clicker training everyday at our dog training facility in Northern Virginia. This method is also based solely on positive reinforcement training for dogs. If you are not familiar with clicker training, a clicker is a small mechanical-like device that the owner (handler) holds, and when the thumb presses down on…

At What Age Should I Start Training My Puppy (Dog) -Northern Virginia

At our dog training facility in Northern Virginia, we do a puppy training/consultation program as early as 8-10 weeks old. However, we really do not put too much focus on “obedience” per se at that age, we focus on things that we consider more important for puppy development; such as, bonding, socialization, pack leadership, crate…

How To Fix My People Aggressive Dog – Northern Virginia

On a daily basis at our dog training facility in Northern Virginia, people contact us and ask if it’s possible to fix their people aggressive dog. When working with dogs that are people aggressive, I believe the first step is understanding what the aggression is based off of before you can properly create a training…

Dog Aggressive Dog Training – Northern Virginia

Literally every day owners contact us and ask, “Can your dog training program in Northern Virginia fix our dog aggressive dog?” I always respond with the same answer, “It’s impossible to guarantee that our training will make your dog love other dogs. What we can guarantee you is that you full CONTROL of your dogs…

What Are The Best Dog Training Methods – Northern Virginia

Many people have tried many different tricks and techniques with their dogs and they still wonder, “What is the best dog training method for training my dog?” There are several training methods that can be used to train your dog. One of the most common and popular methods is reward-based or treat-based training. This training…

Will Shock Collar (Electronic Collar) Hurt My Dog Or Affect Their Personality?

People ask us all of the time, “Will shock collar training hurt my dog?” Or, “Will shock collar training ruin my dog’s personality and turn him into a robot?”   All of these statements and questions could not be further from the truth. Anytime I hear the term, “Shock Collar, ” it literally sends chills…

What Is The Best Dog Training Program in Northern Virginia?

At Off-Leash K9 Training, we are considered the best dog training program in Virgina and even far beyond, as you will see in our reviews, 400+ videos, and celebrities who have flown their dogs to us from all throughout the United States. What Can You Expect during Dog Training? Are you excited to have your…

How Do I Get My Dog To Listen with Distractions – Northern Virginia

Many people quickly realize that their dogs will listen great inside, but then they wonder, “How do I get my dog to listen with distractions?”  Off leash dog training Northern Virginia, ensures that a dog behaves just as well when off the leash as they do when they are on it. If you attempt to…